The roadblocks to business ownership: Analyzing the challenges Thai physical therapists face despite entrepreneurial education

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Jirakrit Leelarungrayub
Bordin Phayaphrom
Mohammad Rahimee Ibrahim


Background: The field of entrepreneurship poses significant challenges for undergraduate students and physical therapists in Thailand. Entrepreneurial intention, entrepreneurial courses in the physical therapy curriculum, and personality qualities are likely the prominent influencers. The social-environmental factors, access to resources, and perceptions of opportunity are also suggested to play a role of the secondary influencers on entrepreneurship. Regrettably, there is a lack of empirical evidence about the impact of these effects on entrepreneurial concepts within physical therapy.

Objective: This study aimed to ascertain the mutual correlation and assess the primary and secondary influencers for entrepreneurship among undergraduate students and physical therapists.

Materials and methods: A cross-sectional study was conducted on 120 physical therapy students and general physical therapists. An online, structured questionnaire with a five-point Likert scale for primary and secondary influencing factors was designed. All questions’ content validity and reliability were determined before being applied to all respondents, and a significant relationship was identified with Barlette’s test. The Kaiser-Meyer-Olkin Measure (KMO) and the measure of sample adequacy (MSA) were used to assess the overall feasibility of factorial analysis. Finally, the IBM SPSS AMOS program analyzed the influence on entrepreneurship with structural equation modeling (SEM).

Results: The results from 120 responses (74 females and 46 males), 64 undergraduate students, and 56 general physical therapists were 25.81±6.62 years (21-51 years old). All questions showed good reliability. All influencing factors showed a significant relationship and feasibility through factor analysis (FA). Furthermore, the primary factors showed that personality traits strongly influenced entrepreneurship compared to entrepreneurial intention. However, the curriculum had a meager impact. In addition, secondary influencing factors, such as opportunity perception, access to resources, and social-environment factors, highly influence entrepreneurship.

Conclusion: Personality traits and entrepreneurial intention are the most influencing factors, but the course in the curriculum is less influential for entrepreneurship. On the other hand, opportunity perception, access to resources, and social/environmental factors are also the secondary strong influencing factors among physical therapy students and general physical therapists.

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How to Cite
Leelarungrayub, J., Phayaphrom, B. ., & Rahimee Ibrahim, M. . (2024). The roadblocks to business ownership: Analyzing the challenges Thai physical therapists face despite entrepreneurial education. Journal of Associated Medical Sciences, 58(1), 28–38. Retrieved from
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