Modified wall-stretching exercises: A practical strategy to promote an immediate effect of shoulder flexibility

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Gresilia Tambing
Sugalya Amatachaya
Arpassanan Wiyanad
Thiwabhorn Thaweewannakij
Nuttaset Manimmanakorn
Wilairat Namwong


Background: The decreased flexibility could attribute numerous adverse impacts to daily functions and risk of joint injury, especially in the joint with a large range of motion (ROM), such as that of the shoulder. Current management to increase shoulder flexibility mostly face the problems of regular adherence due to the need for expert guidance and the requirement of specific and numerous poses that are difficult to remember and time-consuming.

Objective: To investigate the immediate effects of the modified wall-stretching exercise on shoulder flexibility using a quasi-experimental design. Moreover, the study explored the proportion of arms (dominant and non-dominant) with limited shoulder flexibility.

Materials and methods: Fifty-six participants (38 females, 68%) with limited shoulder flexibility as determined using the back scratch test performed a modified wall-stretching exercise. The method required the participants to place their hands against the wall at the shoulder levels with elbow and wrist extensions while the hands were in three positions: upward, sideward, and downward. Participants moved the upper trunk downward and held at the maximal stretch position for 15 seconds in each hand position. After a sufficient rest period, participants were re-assessed for their shoulder flexibility using the back scratch test. The paired samples t-tests were used to analyze the study findings.

Results: Most participants had limited shoulder flexibility in both arms (N=35, 63%), especially in the non-dominant arm (60%). Immediately after 45 seconds of a modified wall-stretching exercise, participants significantly improved their shoulder flexibility by approximately 3 cm (p<0.001).

Conclusion: The limited shoulder flexibility, particularly on the non-dominant arm, suggests that a sedentary lifestyle, characterized by spending the most time in a flexed posture using social media, may have contributed to reduced muscle strength, particularly in the non-dominant arm when performing overhead activities. The present findings suggest using a modified wall-stretching exercise as an alternative practical, self-administering, and effective method to promote shoulder flexibility that can be applied easily in various settings.

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How to Cite
Tambing, G., Amatachaya, S., Wiyanad, A., Thaweewannakij, T., Manimmanakorn, N., & Namwong, W. (2025). Modified wall-stretching exercises: A practical strategy to promote an immediate effect of shoulder flexibility. Journal of Associated Medical Sciences, 58(2), 179–185. retrieved from
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