Radiation dose in radiologist from cerebral angiography using optically stimulated luminescence dosimeter

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Tanyawimol Somtom
Thanakorn Somboot
Panatsada Awikunprasert
Sirikarn Kittichotwarat
Puttita Damchoo
Atithep Mongkolratnan
Tanapol Dachviriyakij


Background: The number of cerebral angiography procedures is increasing, resulting in higher X-ray radiation doses received by radiologists. Consequently, understanding the radiation doses received by radiologists and the accumulation of radiation in control rooms is crucial for guiding prevention strategies against radiation hazards.

Objectives: This study aimed to measure and evaluate radiation doses to the hands, lenses of the eyes, and thyroids of radiologists performing cerebral angiography procedures, as well as to measure the accumulated radiation dose in the control room.

Materials and methods: OSL dosimeters were placed on the eyeglass frames, thyroids, hands, and legs of radiologists performing 20 cerebral angiography procedures, as well as on the wall and window of the control room.

Results: Radiologists’ average radiation doses were measured at specific body parts as follows: left eye (49 µSv), right eye (15 µSv), left hands (34 µSv), right hands (16 µSv), left legs (27 µSv), right legs (7 µSv), and thyroid glands (14 µSv). Notably, the received doses remained well within the maximum radiation dose limit established by the International Commission on Radiological Protection (ICRP). When calculating the maximum number of procedures that can be performed annually, we based it on the limit of the radiation dose that the eyes’ lenses should not exceed. Our findings revealed that the permissible number of procedures determined by the lens radiation dose limit, should not surpass 405 cases annually (equivalent to 34 cases per month). The radiation dose from therapeutic angiography procedures was discovered to be up to 5 times higher than that from diagnostic angiography procedures. The maximum accumulated radiation dose in the control room was 1.18 µSv/hr, which remained below the limit of the Department of Medical Sciences (< 3 µSv/hr).

Conclusion: Radiologists receive less radiation from cerebral diagnostic angiography than therapeutic angiography. Organs on the left side were exposed to greater radiation levels than those on the right side. Wearing radiation protection devices during each procedure can reduce radiation exposure and mitigate long-term effects on radiologists. It is recommended to monitor and calculate the accumulated radiation dose of workers to ensure their exposure remains within safety limits.

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How to Cite
Somtom, T. ., Somboot, T. ., Awikunprasert, P., Kittichotwarat, S. ., Damchoo, P., Mongkolratnan, A. ., & Dachviriyakij, T. . (2023). Radiation dose in radiologist from cerebral angiography using optically stimulated luminescence dosimeter. Journal of Associated Medical Sciences, 57(1), 29–37. retrieved from https://he01.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/bulletinAMS/article/view/265315
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