Reliability of running parameters using fitness watches synced with accelerometers during outdoor runs

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Jitapa Chawawisuttikool
Chatchai Phirawatthakul
Warintun Thomchaita
Komes Kongtong
Chatchai Tieachanpan
Orawan Prasartwuth


Background: To prevent running related injuries and return to sport activities, monitoring the running dynamic parameters (cadence, stride length, ground contact time and vertical oscillation) especially outdoor running is crucial. Previous studies investigated the reliability of these parameters in laboratory settings. However, the nature of outdoor runs is different (curve, uphill, other runners, etc.) and challenging in terms of equipment (simple) and environments (grass, asphalt, rubber, etc.). Therefore, the reliability of these parameters using a fitness watch synced with accelerometer needed to be investigated.

Objective: To investigate the reliability of running parameters measured using fitness watches and accelerometers during outdoor runs.

Materials and methods: 30 healthy volunteers (age 25.8±9.6 years, height 167.2±9.3 cm, weight 62.4±14.2 kg, and body mass index 22.2±3.8 kg/m2) participated in the study. They wore a fitness watch and attached a synced accelerometer at their pants. They completed 2 running laps (800 meters each) at their comfortable speeds. Resting periods were provided between laps. To control the speed for the second lap, the watch was set the maximum and minimum speed and set vibration and sound alarm mode. Running parameters include cadence, stride length, vertical oscillation, and ground contact time.

Results: The reliability of the four running parameters (cadence, stride length, ground contact time, and vertical oscillation), indicated by the intraclass correlation coefficients (ICC (3,k)) was 0.94, 0.97, 0.98 and 0.99, respectively. Very high reliability values were confirmed.

Conclusion: Using a fitness watch synced with an accelerometer during outdoor runs, running dynamic parameters (cadence, stride length, ground contact time, and vertical oscillation) illustrated very high levels of reliability.

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How to Cite
Chawawisuttikool, J., Phirawatthakul, C. ., Thomchaita, W. ., Kongtong, K., Tieachanpan, C. ., & Prasartwuth, O. (2023). Reliability of running parameters using fitness watches synced with accelerometers during outdoor runs. Journal of Associated Medical Sciences, 57(1), 170–176. retrieved from
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