Influence of low-dose X-ray on plasma membrane properties of erythroleukemia cell lines (K562, K562/adr)

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Surangkanang Pochano
Khin Thandar Htun
Montree Tungjai
Benjamaporn Supawat
Chatchanok Udomtanakunchai


Background: Low-dose X-ray in medical use for diagnosis and therapy can result in cellular biology either directly or indirectly. In cell biology, the interaction of low-dose radiation generates many radical molecules that interact with cellular organelles, such as the plasma membrane.

Objectives: This study aimed to evaluate the effect of low-dose X-ray on both drug-sensitive (K562) and drug-resistant (K562/adr) erythroleukemic cell lines.

Materials and methods: Cells were exposed by using an X-ray at 135 kVp to obtain the absorbed dose of 0.05, 0.1, and 0.2 Gy. The intracellular reactive oxidant species (RS), malondialdehyde, membrane fluidity, drug uptake, and drug accumulation were instantly observed after radiation.

Results: The result showed a significant increase in RS in both cell lines as a function of radiation dose. In K562, the malondialdehyde (MDA) value increased in a radiation dose manner, while membrane fluidity was significantly modified at 0.1 and 0.2 Gy. In K562/adr, the uptake rate of pirarubicin (THP) and IC20 were altered but not significantly different from sham control.

Conclusion: Low-dose X-ray significantly increased the intracellular RS in both cell lines and decreased the membrane fluidity at 0.1 Gy of K562. There are alterations of anticancer drug uptake rate in both cell lines, but they are not significant. 

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How to Cite
Pochano, S., Htun, K. T., Tungjai, M., Supawat, B., & Udomtanakunchai, C. (2022). Influence of low-dose X-ray on plasma membrane properties of erythroleukemia cell lines (K562, K562/adr). Journal of Associated Medical Sciences, 56(1), 63–70. retrieved from
Research Articles


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