Shoulder-abduction force steadiness in individuals with neck pain with scapular dyskinesis

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Rungtawan Chaikla
Munlika Sremakaew
Sureeporn Uthaikhup


Background: Neck pain is associated with scapular dyskinesis and impaired axio-scapular and shoulder muscle activity and function. However, there is little research on force steadiness, specifically during shoulder motion in patients with neck pain with scapular dyskinesis. Its relationship with characteristics of neck pain is also unknown.

Objectives: to investigate force steadiness at 20% and 50% of MVC of shoulder abduction (30 degrees) in persons with neck pain with scapular dyskinesis compared to asymptomatic controls and to determine its relationships with characteristics of neck pain.

Materials and methods: Fifty-two women and men (26 neck pain with scapular dyskinesis and 26 asymptomatic controls) were recruited to the study. Force steadiness of 30 degrees of shoulder abduction was measured at 20% and 50% of maximal voluntary contraction (MVC) and coefficient of variation (CV) of force values were calculated. Characteristics of neck pain included neck pain intensity, duration and disability and upper limb disability.

Results: Participants in neck pain had significantly reduced force steadiness of isometric shoulder abduction at 20% and 50% of MVC compared to the control group (p<0.05, η2p = 0.10 and p<0.001, η2p = 0.26, respectively). No between-group differences in shoulder abduction MVC were observed. There were no correlations between force steadiness and characteristics of neck pain (p>0.05).

Conclusion: Patients with neck pain with scapular dyskinesis had reduced shoulder abduction force steadiness. This may reflect impaired shoulder/scapular sensory-motor control associated with neck pain. The relationships between force steadiness and characteristics of neck pain are still needed to be explored in further studies.

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How to Cite
Chaikla, R., Sremakaew, M., & Uthaikhup, S. (2022). Shoulder-abduction force steadiness in individuals with neck pain with scapular dyskinesis. Journal of Associated Medical Sciences, 55(2), 31–37. retrieved from
Research Articles


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