Validation of Thai Smartphone Addiction Scale-short version for school students between 10 to 18 years

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Panida Hanphitakphong
Nuanlaor Thawinchai


Background: With the dramatic increase in the number of smartphone users, concern has been raised that smartphone overuse can be hazardous to health. There is a need of smartphone addiction screening instrument that can be used for the Thai people, particularly children and adolescents.

Objectives: This study aimed to translate Smartphone Addiction Scale – Short Version (SAS-SV) into Thai for school students between 10 to 18 years and to comprehensively validate the translated version.

Materials and methods: After completing the translation according to published guidelines, Thai version of the SAS-SV (THAI-SAS-SV) for school students underwent thorough many psychometric tests. The content validity was evaluated by a panel of seven experts. Internal consistency and construct validity of the THAI-SAS-SV were then tested among 200 Thai school students between ages 10 and 18 (mean age 12.82±2.21 years). The test-retest reliability was also evaluated in half of all participants.

Results: THAI-SAS-SV for school students demonstrated an excellent validity index for scale (S-CVI = 0.97) and an item content validity index (I-CVI) ranging from 0.86 to 1.0. Cronbach’s alpha for internal consistency was calculated as 0.85. The THAI-SAS-SV for school students has similar construct to the original instrument because the confirmatory factor analysis clearly revealed a single-factor structure. Intraclass correlation coefficient (ICC) value for test retest reliability was 0.73 (95% CI: 0.62-0.81).

Conclusion: The findings suggest that THAI-SAS-SV for school students between 10 to 18 years is a valid and reliable instrument for screening smartphone addiction targeted towards Thai children and adolescents.

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How to Cite
Hanphitakphong, P., & Thawinchai, N. (2020). Validation of Thai Smartphone Addiction Scale-short version for school students between 10 to 18 years. Journal of Associated Medical Sciences, 53(3), 34–42. retrieved from
Research Articles


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