Feasibility of high resolution melting curve analysis for rapid serotyping of Salmonella from hospitalised patients

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Kritchai Poonchareon
Chaiwat Pulsrikarn
Sukon Khamvichai
Pakpoom Tadee


Background: Serum agglutination test is the gold standard phenotyping method widely used for Salmonella enterica characterisation.This conventional method is limited by its complicated and time-consuming procedures. High resolution melting curve (HRM) analysis is introduced as a rapid and labour-saving method.

Objectives: To compare the results of conventional serum agglutination and quantitative PCR-HRM analysis to assess the feasibility of this alternative approach for Salmonella serotyping.

Materials and methods: Salmonella strains from 38 human-originating samples were serotyped using the conventional serum agglutination method and HRM analysis.

Results: The conventional serum agglutination assay detected 14 serotypes, while the HRM analysis identified 10 HRM profiles. There was a correlation between most of the serotyping results obtained by the two methods. Nine of the HRM profiles were unique to a single serotype, of each. One exception was HRM_3. Many of the indistinct curves that were grouped in this HRM pattern belonged to five Salmonella serotypes, including Weltevreden, Corvallis, Derby, Kedougou and Kentucky.

Conclusion: It is difficult to determine all Salmonella serotypes by HRM analysis. However, this method can be used as an alternative to the conventional serum agglutination assay for rapid and labour-saving serotyping.

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How to Cite
Poonchareon, K., Pulsrikarn, C., Khamvichai, S., & Tadee, P. (2018). Feasibility of high resolution melting curve analysis for rapid serotyping of Salmonella from hospitalised patients. Journal of Associated Medical Sciences, 52(1), 37–41. retrieved from https://he01.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/bulletinAMS/article/view/134519
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