A review of brain mapping performance-based neuroergonomic evaluation for Thais

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Winai Chatthong
Supalak Khemthong


A novel test called "brain mapping performance" (BMP) was developed by psychosocial occupational therapists to encourage explicit learning throughout the lifetime. For those who have not been convinced of the benefits of emerging neuroergonomics, the evaluation of job readiness appears to be challenging. Each person's level of intrinsic brain capacity for leadership BMP can be explained by encouraging soft skills, culminating in eustress and empathy engagement. This article aims to provide how the BMP-based neuroergonomic evaluation is interpreted on social comprehension and enhancement of mirror neuron morality (MNM). This article contributes an integrative approach of MNM which has been further compared between the pre- and post- evaluation of the BMP-based neuroergonomics for improving the job readiness and leadership of those Thai people linked to a healthy workplace and well-explicit learning organization.

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