Perception of occupational health hazards and work-related illnesses among the elderly informal workers in Nakhon Nayok Province

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Nattawadee Kongsorn
Nontiya Homkhom
Teeraphun Kaewdok


Working conditions of informal workers can contributes the risk of occupational health hazards, especially, the elderly workers. This study aimed to examine perception of occupational health hazards and work-related illnesses among the elderly informal workers in Nakhon Nayok province. A cross - sectional survey using questionnaire was completed among 380 elderly workers. The data of questionnaire included demographic data, working conditions, perception of occupational health hazards, and work-related illnesses. Data analysis was performed and presented using frequency, percentage, mean, and standard deviation. The results revealed that 60.26% were women with the average age of 70.92 years (SD=7.39) 66.32 % had completed an elementary education. The majority of informal occupation was employee with 65.80%, followed by agricultural sector (32.63%). The most significant occupational health hazard’ perception was dust exposure (82.63%). Physical hazards were heat exposure (43.42 %), and lighting intensity (40.00%). Biological hazards were poisonous exposure (31.84%) while ergonomic hazards including repetitive work (43.68%), manual material handling more than 10 kilogram per day (32.89%). The highest prevalence rates of work related illnesses were back pain (63.68%) follow by upper extremities pain (50.53%), and heat exhaustion (33.42%). Finding of this study suggest that occupational health hazards should be prevented among workers in order to improve perception and awareness of health hazards among elderly informal workers.

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