Ergonomic problems identification on musculoskeletal disorders among stone setting workers in jewellery industry
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Prolonged sitting has been identified as a risk factor for musculoskeletal disorders (MSDs) among industrial workers. A cross-sectional survey study aimed to identify ergonomic problems on musculoskeletal disorders among stone setting workers in one jewellery industry. A four-part research tool generated data to assess ergonomic problems, including questionnaire and self-reported MSDs, hand grip strength, and the rapid upper limb assessment technique (RULA) by 100 stone setters. Descriptive statistic was used to identify ergonomic problems of MSDs. The results revealed that all the participants were women with the average age of 29.12 ± 5.66 years. The three parts with the highest prevalence rates of MSDs were neck (79.00 %), shoulder-right (78.00%), and shoulder-left (72.00). Maximum handgrip strength was at very low level with mean ± SD of 0.44±0.91 (53.00%). Work postures assessment were completely evaluated using the RULA, 54.00% of postures were medium risk level which the further investigate and implement change. Therefore, the organization should pay more attention to ergonomic issues associated with occupational health and safety programme, with the aim to prevent ergonomic hazards in the workplace. Findings from this study may be utilized to improve working conditions among workers.
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