Creating the packing soil bags device for planting flowering and ornamental plants

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Orawan Yeampattanaporn
Pakaporn Phucharoen
Tri Kharanan
Orapin Karoonsupcharoen


Filling the soil in nursery bags is one task of planting flowers and ornamental plants. Repetitively doing this task for a long time can cause musculoskeletal problems. This study aimed to assess the ergonomics risk of working posture in filling soil bags and make the prototype of a filling soil bag machine. The participants were divided into 2 groups: 9 employees and 10 employers. The researcher conducted an interview with all participants about their working methods and musculoskeletal disorders. Then, the researcher recorded VDO during the employees doing their work to evaluate ergonomics risk by Rapid Upper Limb Assessment (RULA), Rapid Entire Body Assessment (REBA), and Ovako Working Posture Analysis System (OWAS). Focus group discussion of employees and employers was done to collect suggestions about the characteristics and satisfaction of the prototype machine These results found that the total scores of RURA REBA and OWAS were 7, 12, and 4, respectively. These indicated that the task of filling soil in a nursery bag required immediate improvement in ergonomics. All groups of participants satisfied the device for packing soil bags with the cost effectiveness of the prototype machine. It concluded that filling the soil in nursery bags is a task with a high ergonomics risk and needs to improve working posture. The packing soil bag device had cost effectiveness but had to improve in several domains, such as speed of working, size, easy movement.

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