Factors related to sitting postures among sewing workers in factory at Samutprakarn Province
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This cross-sectional research objective was to study factors related to sitting work postures among sewers in factory at Samutprakarn Province by questionnaires, posture assessment form (Rapid Upper Limb Assessment: RULA), table and chair sizes measurement form and anthropometric data form. The 148 subjects were women, aged average 44.89 years old, 60 subjects (40.54%) were normal BMI, 76 subjects (51.35%) were up to 8 work hours and not exercise and 79 subjects (53.38%) had moderate level of ergonomics knowledge. The 93 subjects (62.84) had 5-6 points of sitting work postures was mean that work started to be ergonomic problem further studies should be undertaken and should be improved. There were 5 parts to consider the relationship between table and chair size and anthropometric data, it was found that most were consistent in Seat Depth: SD, Seat Width: SW and Seat to Desk Clearance: SDC. BMI correlated with sitting work postures (p = 0.024), so the factory should set exercise program for sewers.
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