Ergonomics criterions for considering safety and risk in manual works
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Manual work is the most common cause of occupational fatigue and lead to musculoskeletal injuries. This article was aimed to present the reviewed ergonomics criterions for considering safety and risk in manual works to be a guideline for assessors can be use the criteria correctly and appropriately. To understand human abilities can be designed that requires the task demands are at or below the worker capabilities when performing the task. Referring to the literature review, it was found that various criteria for defining acceptable task demands have been developed from the principles of physiology, biomechanics, and psychophysics in term of rate of energy expenditure, forces and their effects on masses, and maximum acceptable, respectively. The choice between the criteria available will depend upon the application concerned and the objectives of the study and including work characteristics, knowledge and skills of the practitioners, and assessment tools. Each criterion has limitations, advantages and disadvantages are different and appear to be in conflict. The applications should be reviewed and further discussed.
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