Reducing Motion Waste in the Auto Parts Forming Process

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Anirut Phiphatprapha


The research aimed to reducing motion waste in the auto parts forming process of an automotive part company, Nakhon Ratchasima province. With regarding research approach, Rapid Upper Limb Assessment: RULA principle and ECRS principle were employed to solve the problem in this study. The results indicated that over production waste is an important problem of this study, which the main reason was unsuitable task between man and machine and motion waste. The average score of abnormal index (AI) was 5 score level, which means that the process task has problem, requires an immediate improvement of ergonomics. Therefore, the researchers focus on solving problems, improving working process by reducing unnecessary workflows from production, eliminating automotive part process for counting and weighting of automotive parts, and designing working posture and motion of production staffs. Improved results, the proposed method reduces production waste from 20 steps to 17 steps and decreases working motion’s staffs effectively.

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