The ergonomics risk and fatigue of worker’s in rubber smoked sheets factory

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Weerachai Madtharak
Rungsima Homsettee
Angoon Sungkhapong


In the rubber smoke sheets processing of the rubber plantation fund cooperation, the workers had an unnecessary movement that related to ergonomics risk and fatigue. The objective of this study was to assess the ergonomics risk and fatigue of workers in rubber smoked sheet processing of Maireang rubber plantation fund cooperation in Chawang District, Nakhon Si Thammarat Province. This study was conducted by utilizing the Standard Nordic questionnaire and recruited workers who had a high index of abnormality to participate in the study. Afterward, the RULA and REBA techniques were used to assess Ergonomics, and the fatigue questionnaire of Piper was used to fatigue level. The results found that workers in the process of planting had an abnormal index score average of 2.96. The RULA score was 7 which means that the activity needs investigation and implementation change. The REBA score was 11 which indicated a high degree of risk (investigation and implementation change). The Piper fatigue assessment showed that workers had medium to high levels of fatigue in conveying step. In conclusion, the results showed that workers had ergonomics and fatigue at high-risk levels that must be addressed or be given solutions to improve work efficiency and protect health problems among workers.

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Original Articles
Author Biography

Weerachai Madtharak, Faculty of Industrial Technology, Songkhla Rajabhat University

Master of Engineering (Industrial Management)  Prince of Songkla University



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