Factors Predicting Self-Management Behaviors among Persons with Diabetic Retinopathy
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Persons with diabetic retinopathy who engage in consistent and appropriate self-management behavior (SMB) can decrease the severity of this issue. This study aimed to determine SMB and factors predicting SMB among persons with diabetic retinopathy, including perceived barriers to performing SMB and social support. Purposive sampling was applied to recruit 88 persons with diabetic retinopathy who received service at the outpatient department of the retina clinic at a university hospital. Research instruments included a demographic data record form, the SMB Questionnaire, the Perceived Barriers to Performing SMB Questionnaire, and Social Support Questionnaire. Their reliabilities were .88, .81, and .91, respectively. The interview method was used to collect data. Data were analyzed using descriptive statistics, Pearson product-moment correlation coefficient, and stepwise multiple regression statistics.
The results revealed that 79.55% of participants had insufficient overall SMB (x̅ = 99.70, S.D. = 9.60). Perceived barriers to performing SMB and social support predicted 17% (R2 = .17) of SMB (SEest= ±8.84). The findings of this study demonstrate that interventions for enhancing SMB among persons with diabetic retinopathy should be developed. Furthermore, although perceived barriers to performing SMB and social support can predict SMB, the percentage is low. Thus, further studies should explore other factors influencing SMBs.
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