The Relationship between Health Literacy and Preventive Behavior on the Coronavirus Disease 2019 among Higher Education Students, Chiang Rai Province

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nadanong pitchayakoon
Wimonporn Srichote
Thitiarpha Tangkawanich


This cross-sectional study descriptive research purposes to study were study health literacy and preventive behavior on the Coronavirus Disease 2019 among higher education students and investigate relationship between health literacy and Coronavirus Disease 2019 preventive behavior of higher education students. The simple sampling method was used to select 436 higher education students who studying in Chiang Rai Province. The instruments of this study were health literacy questionnaire and behaviors to prevent Coronavirus Disease 2019 questionnaire. Descriptive statistics and Pearson’s product moment correlation coefficient were used for data analysis. The results of this study showed: Overall health literacy among higher education students were at a moderate level (= 208.74, S.D. 20.25) behaviors to prevent Coronavirus Disease 2019 were at a high level (= 38.64, S.D. 4.85) and Overall health literacy had a statistically significant positive correlation to behaviors to prevent Coronavirus Disease 2019 at a moderate level (r = .427, p < .01)

                The results of this research will be a guideline for promoting health literacy to prevent Coronavirus Disease 2019 among students.

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How to Cite
pitchayakoon, nadanong, Srichote, W. ., & Tangkawanich, T. . (2023). The Relationship between Health Literacy and Preventive Behavior on the Coronavirus Disease 2019 among Higher Education Students, Chiang Rai Province. NU Journal of Nursing and Health Sciences, 17(3), 119–131. retrieved from
Research Article


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