Effects of the Self-Efficacy Enhancement Program with the Applied Fon-Jerng Danceon Falls Prevention Behaviors and Balance among Elderly in Phrae Province


  • natrudee sribudta bcnph
  • Somsak Thojampa
  • Supaporn Naewbood


The applied Fon Jerng, Self-efficacy perception, Balance, Fall, Elderly


This quasi-experimental study two groups pretest – posttest design was aimed to study the effects of a self-efficacy promotion program combined with applied dance on fall prevention behaviors balancing of the elderly in Phrae Province. The sample group studied were elderly people aged 60 years and over who were found to be at risk of falls. Using multi-stage sampling and purposive sampling and separated, 30 people were enrolled into the experimental group with a duration of 8 weeks. The tools were: 1) Fall Prevention Behavior Questionnaire in the Elderly; himself in conjunction with applied dance by applying the concept of self-efficacy theory (Bandura, 1997), with the index of conformity (IOC) equal to 0.87 - 0. 92 respectively. Paired t-test and independent t-test statistics were analyzed. Average score of balance of the elderly after the experimental group There was a statistically significant difference at the .001 level and the comparison of differences after the experiment. between the experimental group and the control group It was found that the mean score of fall prevention behavior and the mean score of balance of the elderly in the experimental group was significantly better than the control group (p< .001). and It was found that the mean score of fall prevention behavior and the mean score of balance of the elderly in the experimental group was better than the control group. There was a statistically significant difference at the .001 level. 001 and the comparison results after the experiment. between the experimental group and the control group It was found that the mean score of fall prevention behavior and the mean scores of balances in the elderly of the experimental group were better than the control group. There was a statistically significant difference at the .001 level.

The results of this study can promote fall prevention behavior and the improve balance among elderly. To gain confidence in performing activities and practicing doing it yourself continuously.


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How to Cite

sribudta, natrudee, Thojampa, S. ., & Naewbood, S. . (2023). Effects of the Self-Efficacy Enhancement Program with the Applied Fon-Jerng Danceon Falls Prevention Behaviors and Balance among Elderly in Phrae Province. NU Journal of Nursing and Health Sciences, 17(3), 26–38. retrieved from https://he01.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/NurseNu/article/view/261120