Psychometric Properties of the Comprehensive Simulation Evaluation Survey for Nursing students: Thai version
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This research aimed to translate and investigate the psychometric propertiesof the Thai versionof
the Comprehensive Simulation Evaluation Survey for nursing students (ThaiCSES-NS). The process of
cross-culturally translation comprised offivesteps:(1) forward translation to Thai, (2) review of the translated
version, (3) backward translation, (4) compare the original version with the back-translated version and
(5) performpretesting. Study samplewas one hundred nine nursing students who used high-fidelity patient
simulation to enhancetheir learning. The research instruments were personal information questionnaires and
the Thai Comprehensive Simulation Evaluation Survey for nursing students. The data was analyze dusing
descriptive statistic and item analysis.
The study results revealed that the Thai CSES-NSis equivalent in content and sematic as compared to the
original version. Experts determined that the instrument has content validity. The content validity for item
[I-CVI]) were. 80-1.00, content validity for scale [S-CVI]) was. 95, and average congruency percentage
[ACP]) was. 95. The item analysis showed that the Cronbach's Alpha was .91, the range of corrected Item-total
correlation between .30-.68, and the Cronbach's Alpha if item deleted were .90-.91. The research findings
indicated that the Thai CSES-NShad high content validity and reliability. It can be used for evaluating in
teaching and learning in nursing by high-fidelity patient simulation.
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