Predicting Factors of Health Literacy in Patients with Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus, Uttaradit Province
Health literacy, Patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus, Perception of health status, Social support, Effective communicationAbstract
The purpose of this predictive correlational research study was to study factors predicting health literacy
among patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus, in Uttaradit Province. There were 200 patients with type 2
diabetes mellitus participating in the study, aged 30 years and older, who were selected by multi-stage random
sampling. The research instruments used, showing the reliability of Cronbach's alpha coefficient, included
a perception of health status questionnaire (0.87), a social support questionnaire (0.91), an effective
communication questionnaire (0.92), and a health literacy questionnaire (0.96), and they had all been tested
for content validity with a score of 0.90. The data were analyzed by descriptive statistics and enter regression
The results revealed that health literacy was at a moderate level ( = 104.12, S.D. = 19.50). Perception
of health status, social support and effective communication were found as good combine predictions of health
literacy among the patients, with 59.1% of variance (R2 = .591, p < .001).
These results suggest thatcommunity nurse practitioner should concern effective communicationand
social support in order to promote better awareness of health behavior and to enhance health literacy among
patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus
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