Factors related to Job Performance of New Professional Nurses in Private Hospitals
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Job performance is a behavior that leads to effective outcomes of an organization. It was found that there were factors related to job performance. Quantitative research, correlation study models the purpose of this research was to study the Factors related to Job Performance of New Professional Nurses in Private Hospitals. The target population was 163. Sampling method Stratified random sampling. Data were collected using a questionnaire consisting of 4 parts. The content validity was 0.98, 1, 0.96 and the Cronbach’ a alpha coefficients of reliability were overall 0.95. Data were analyzed using descriptive statistics: percentage, frequency, mean and standard deviation and inferential statistics: Pearson’s product moment correlation. The study found the following:
The results showed that Transformational leadership of head nurses had a moderate positive relationship with the job performance of new Professional nurses in private hospitals and significantly high (p < .0 5, r = .54). The empowerment of head nurses had a moderate positive relationship with the job performance of new Professional nurses in private hospitals and significantly high (p < .0 5, r = .57). This research indicates that Leadership of nursing administrators It is important to performance. Especially the empowerment Skill development in information transmission communication style along with promoting the development of department managers/heads of departments/heads of duty Performance is an incentive for registered nurses to develop themselves and prepare them for entering higher positions.
Keywords: Job performance, Transformational leadership, Empowerment.
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