The Development of Elderly Caring Guideline for Caregivers in Tamnak Tham Subdistrict, Nong Muang Khai, Phrae Province.


  • Ghunyanutt Sathagathonthun -
  • Rungnapa Chairat Faculty of Nursing Naresuan University
  • Prakasit Nateeprasittipon คณะพยาบาลศาสตร์ มหาวิทยาลัยนเรศวร


The Elderly Caring Guideline, Caregiver, Tamnak Tham Subdistrict, Phrae Province


The research and development aimed to:  1) develop the Elderly Caring Manual and multimedia and 2) examine the effectiveness of the Elderly Caring Manual and multimedia. The research had four  processes as: 1) Research : R1 analyze problems and needs of caring for the elderly. 2) Development : D1 design and develop the elderly caring guideline for caregivers. 3) Research : R2 implement the elderly caring guideline. 4) Development: D2 evaluate the elderly caring guideline. The study sample who participated in the first process of analysis were 166 caregivers and in the third process were 43 caregivers who participated in the process of implementation. The research sample were stratified sampling. The research instruments comprised of six parts: 1) the caregivers’ problems and needs survey which had CVI = 0.71, 2) the Feasibility evaluation, 3) the Elderly Caring Manual and multimedia which were validated content by five specialists, 4) the caregivers’ knowledge which had CVI = 0.78 and reliability = 0.84, 5) the caregivers’ skills which had CVI = 0.78 and reliability = 0.89, and 6) the caregivers’ 0.78 and reliability = 0.81. The research process consisted of 2 phases. The first phase which developed and tailored the Elderly Caring Manual and multimedia and examined the effectiveness index (E.I.), process effectiveness (E1), and outcome effectiveness (E2).The second phase which examined the achievement of the Elderly Caring guideline and multimedia. Using Paired-sample T Test to compare the elderly caregivers’ knowledge mean scores before and after utilizing the Elderly Caring guideline and multimedia . Also,The user's satisfaction was analyzed with mean and standard deviation. The research results revealed that 1)he caregivers reported they need knowledge about disease and food care for the elderly, exercise, emergency assistance, and the necessary procedures. 2) The guideline which have developed includes: caring for the elderly with disease, food for the elderly, emergency symptoms and first aid, exercise, oral hygiene, accident

and prevention, and excretion care. The multimedia includes: tepid sponge, wound dressing, exercise, perineum care, and massages. 3) The elderly caring guideline and multimedia had E.I.= .51, E1 and  E2 =  82.17/82.53, respectively. 4) Comparing to before using the guideline and multimedia, the elderly caregivers had significantly higher levels of knowledge and skills after they studied and used the guideline and multimedia (p = .01). Also, their satisfaction regarding to the guideline and multimedia was in high level (X= 4.30, SD=.40). This research result indicates that this is an effective guideline which practical fits and friendly access with this context in order to enhance elderly caregivers’ competencies to take care of elderly people.

Author Biographies

Rungnapa Chairat, Faculty of Nursing Naresuan University

อาจารย์ ภาควิชาพยาบาลศาสตร์ คณะพยาบาลศาสตร์ มหาวิทยาลัยนเรศวร ต.ท่าโพธิ์ อ. เมือง จ.พิษณุโลก 65000 โทรศัพท์ 0-5596-6829

Prakasit Nateeprasittipon, คณะพยาบาลศาสตร์ มหาวิทยาลัยนเรศวร

นักวิชาการคอมพิวเตอร์  สาขาวิชาที่เชี่ยวชาญ .....โปรแกรมคอมพิวเตอร์

หน่วยเทคโนโลยีสารสนเทศ งานนโยบายและแผน สำนักงานเลขานุการ
คณะพยาบาลศาสตร์ มหาวิทยาลัยนเรศวร


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How to Cite

Sathagathonthun, G., Chairat, R., & Nateeprasittipon, P. . (2021). The Development of Elderly Caring Guideline for Caregivers in Tamnak Tham Subdistrict, Nong Muang Khai, Phrae Province. NU Journal of Nursing and Health Sciences, 15(3), 81–97. retrieved from