The Effect of Peer Supported Emotional Crisis Management Program on Stress Management and Aggressive Problem-Solving Behaviors on Working-Age Person
emotional crisis management, peer support, stress management, aggressive problem solving behavior, working-age personAbstract
This pretest-post-test quasi experimental research aimed to examine the effects of peer support to emotional crisis management program on stress management and aggressive problem solving behavior of working-age population. Samples were sixty working-age person living in Muang,Phisanulok province. The samples were purposely selected with criteria. They were divided into two groups, control group (n = 30) and experimental group (n = 30). The experimental group participated in the program at once a week while the control group had been routine living. The program consisted of learning plan and crisis management guideline. Data were collected through 1) stress management and 2) aggressive problem solving behavior of working-age population. Content validity index (CVI) were 0.83,0.90 and the Cronbach's Alpha coefficient of the assessments was 0.953 and 0.897 respectively. Data were analyzed through descriptive statistics and t-test. The results showed that 1) mean score of stress management of the experimental group, after participating in the peer supported emotional crisis management program (p < .05). 2) mean score of stress management of the experimental group were not different from those in the control group. After participating in the peer supported emotional crisis management program, they were significantly lower than those in the control group (p < .05). Nurses working in mental health should incorporate the program into their improvement activities for adolescents and elderly people who have emotional crisis management problems in the community. They participated in the program at least once a year. In order to reduce problems and dangers affecting the stress management and aggressive problem-solving behaviors by establishing and proactive mental health prevention program for person.
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