Factors predicting diabetic emergency risk among diabetic older adults in community

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Somluk Tepsuriyanont
Amornrat Natason
Sayan Jantarade
Jarunee Boonman
Boontang Ochapan
Monchanok Loamrat
Praphitphak Poonsri


Diabetic emergency is a life threatening complication and common cause of admissions of diabetic older adults.  It is important to prevent diabetic emergency in diabetic older adults. Who are at high risk for diabetic emergency should be identified. This study aimed to 1) study diabetic emergency risk among diabetic older adults in community, 2) study factors related to diabetic emergency risk among diabetic older adults in community, and 3) study factors predicting diabetic emergency risk among diabetic older adults in community. The subjects were 199 diabetic older adult patients. The study instruments consisted of the diabetic emergency risk data of diabetic older adults in community and the diabetic emergency risk assessment for diabetic older adults in community. Sensitivity and Specificity of risk assessment was 47.10%, 91.90%, respectively. The data were analyzed using descriptive statistics, correlation, and multiple regression.

The results revealed that diabetic emergency risk among diabetic older adults in community were 11.56%. The diabetic emergency risk was correlated with age, time to consumed diet, and diabetic emergency. Factors predicting diabetic emergency risk among diabetic older adults in community were age and diabetic emergency risk, and could explain 14% of variance in diabetic emergency risk. The results provide basic information for health care provider to promote diabetic emergency risk protection in diabetic older adults in community.

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How to Cite
Tepsuriyanont, S., Natason, A. ., Jantarade, S., Boonman, J. ., Ochapan, B. ., Loamrat, M. ., & Poonsri, P. . (2021). Factors predicting diabetic emergency risk among diabetic older adults in community. NU Journal of Nursing and Health Sciences, 15(2), 63–77. retrieved from https://he01.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/NurseNu/article/view/249404
Research Article


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