The Effects of Emotional Intelligence Enhancement Program on Adversity Intelligence among Nursing Students


  • Thanapol Bundasak
  • Kanok-on Chaowieng
  • Saovaluk Tantisuwichwong
  • Yodsoy Wiwekwan
  • Narumol Jangasem


Emotional Intelligence Enhancement Program, Adversity Intelligence, Nursing Students


This quasi-experimental research aimed to examine the effects of the emotional intelligence enhancement program (EIE) on adversity intelligence among nursing students. The study sample included thirty-six first year nursing students of Boromarajonani College of Nursing Phraputthabat who met the inclusion criteria. The participants were randomly assigned into the experimental (n = 18) and the control (n = 18) group. The experimental group received 8 sessions (two sessions per week and each session took about 60 to 90 minutes) of The EIE program. For the control group, they received the routine studying. The Adversity Intelligence Inventory questionnaire was used to collect data as pre-post test and one month follow-up. Descriptive statistics, independent t-test, two-way repeated measure ANOVA and multiple comparisons by Bonferroni were employed to analyze the data. The study results revealed as follows: 1. After receiving the EIE program and one month follow-up, the experimental group had statistically significantly higher average scores of adversity intelligence than the control group (p < .001). 2. Average scores of adversity intelligence in the experimental group at pre-test, post-test and one month follow-up were statistically significantly different (p < .001).


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How to Cite

Bundasak, T., Chaowieng, K.- on, Tantisuwichwong, S., Wiwekwan, Y., & Jangasem, N. (2019). The Effects of Emotional Intelligence Enhancement Program on Adversity Intelligence among Nursing Students. NU Journal of Nursing and Health Sciences, 12(4), 127–137. Retrieved from