The Effect of The Informational and Emotional Support Program on Anxiety Transfer Level of the Transfer from Intensive Care Units among Surgical Critically Patients of Udonthani Hospital, Udonthani Province

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Nanthaka Laoakkha
Somluk Tepsuriyanont
Duangporn Piyakong


The purpose of this quasi - experimental research, aim to study the effect of the informational and emotional support program on the transfer anxiety from intensive care units among surgical critically ill patients. The sample were admitted in the surgical intensive care units (SICUs) in Udonthani Hospital and were ordered to transfer from the ICU to a general unit; consisted of 32 patients that collected by purposive sampling. The comparison group received usual nursing care and the experimental group received the informational and emotional support program. The instruments used in this study consisted of the informational and emotional support program that was created from transfer anxiety from intensive care of Leith's concept. The instruments used for collection data that were demographic data form, the pretransfer anxiety from intensive care units surgical critically ill. The Cronbach's alpha reliability coefficients of the pre and post - transfer anxiety from intensive care units surgical critically ill questionnaire was 0.89 and 0.938. The statistical data analysis of the study included statistics frequency, percentage, mean, and standard deviation, and compare between the pre - transfer anxiety and the post-transfer anxiety from intensive care units surgical critically ill in the sample that was received the informational and emotional support program by Paired t-test and compare the pre - transfer anxiety and the post-transfer anxiety from intensive care units surgical critically ill between the sample that was received the normal nursing care and in the sample that was received the informational and emotional support program by Independent t-test. The results revealed that there was a significant decrease in post-transfer anxiety scores for participants who received the informational and emotional support programand participants who received the informational and emotional support program had post-transfer anxiety scores lower than those who did not receive the informational and emotional support program with a statistically significant level at 0.05. The result show that the informational and emotional support program can release transfer anxiety from intensive care units surgical critically ill that use for nurse in units surgical critically ill to take care patient who transfer from the ICU to a general unit.

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How to Cite
Laoakkha, N., Tepsuriyanont, S., & Piyakong, D. (2019). The Effect of The Informational and Emotional Support Program on Anxiety Transfer Level of the Transfer from Intensive Care Units among Surgical Critically Patients of Udonthani Hospital, Udonthani Province. NU Journal of Nursing and Health Sciences, 12(4), 39–49. retrieved from
Research Article


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