Application of The WHO's Innovative Care for Chronic Conditions Framework According to The Role of Professional Nursesin Primary Health Care Level
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Chronic diseases are a major problem of public health around the world, including Thailand. Prevention and controlling of chronic diseases are effective strategies in reducing risk factors. Professional nurses in primary health care level are important health personnel inmanaging to achieved goals. The WHO's Innovative Care for Chronic Conditions Framework (ICCC) is a model of care that the World Health Organization developed to suit the context of various countries and to achieve better health outcomes for patients of chronic diseases. This model consists of 3 levels of care management, including individuals and families, health service organization and community, and policy level. The implementation of WHO's Innovative Care for Chronic Conditions Framework for making better outcomes on chronic disease management by professional nurses are 1) promoting self-care for patients with family participation, 2) organizing the chronic disease service system in the hospital and community, and 3) being policy driven.
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