Development of Learning Model Through Online Social Networks using Reflective Process to Enhance Creative Problem Solving Ability in Nursing


  • Anchalee Thongsen
  • Direk Teeraputon
  • Poonsuk Hingkanont


Development of Learning Model, Online Social Networks, Reflective Process, Creative Problem Solving Ability in Nursing


This study aimed to develop a learning model through online social networks using reflective process to enhance creative problem solving ability in nursing. The specific purposes of this research were 1) to explore basic information for developing of a learning model through online social networks using the process of reflection to enhance creative problem solving ability in nursing 2) to create and verify the quality of a learning model 3) to experimentally implement the learning model via online social networks using the process of reflection to enhance creative problem solving ability in nursing and 4) to evaluate the model. This study followed the process of research and development comprising of four steps as follows: 1) studying basic information for developing of a learning model by asking perspectives of lecturers teaching in the Community Health Nursing Course from 25 nursing colleges regarding creative problem solving ability of their nursing students and interviewing five experts about learning via online social networksusing the process of reflection 2) Constructing the learning model and verifying its quality from 5 experts. Pilot study was conducted among 30 students 3) Implementing the model in 30 senior nursing students and analyzing the data with means, standard deviations and t-test and ANOVA 4) Evaluating the model by nursing and analyzing data with means and standard deviations. The research results revealed as follows: 1. Basic information underpinning the development of a learning model was shown that the score of overall dimensions of creative problem solving ability of participants was at a moderate level (Mean = 2.99, S.D. = 0.57). The results from interviewing five experts revealed that learning management via online social networks using reflection process among nursing students consisted of five major factors: 1) reviewing situations, 2) describing feelings about the situations, 3) analyzing the situations, 4) searching for the conclusion, and 5) determining the guidelines for the future. These five factors need techniques of listening, making notes and planning about how to solve each case through Facebook. 2. The learning model developed in this study consisted of 1) the source of the model which used the ideas of the concepts of reflection, creative problem solving, and learning via online social networks as guides 2) the model included fourth steps: preparation, pre-learning, learning process using case and evaluation. Quality tested by qualified experts. Through experimentation, the possibility of using patterns was found to be the most appropriate and consistent. 3. The findings after implementing revealed that: 3.1 The posttest scores of creative problem solving ability among nursing students were significantly higher than pretest scores (p < .01). 3.2 The scores of reflection process among before, during, and after learning were significantly different at the 0.01 level. 4. The overall score of evaluating the model, according to lecturers and students’ perspectives regarding learning models, was a high level (Mean = 4.33, S.D. = 0.31).


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How to Cite

Thongsen, A., Teeraputon, D., & Hingkanont, P. (2018). Development of Learning Model Through Online Social Networks using Reflective Process to Enhance Creative Problem Solving Ability in Nursing. NU Journal of Nursing and Health Sciences, 12(1S), 133–147. Retrieved from