
  • Theerawith INTAPANYA
  • Nonthalee Santiniyom Thailand National Sports University Sukhothai Campus, Faculty of Sports and Health Science




Elastic resistance and body weight training, Upper body muscle, Core body muscle, Archery


The purpose of this research was to study the effect of an elastic strength training program and body weight on the upper and core body muscle strength in archery athletes. Participants were archery athletes of Thailand National Sports University who have experienced in national and international competition with over 2 years (average age 20.93±2.19 years old). A total of 30 participants was divided into 2 groups using systematic sampling method. An experimental group was performed a strength training program with elastic band and body weight for 60 minutes alongside with a routine training whereas a control group was practiced only a routine training program for 90-120 minutes a day, 3 days /week for 8 weeks. The upper and core body muscles strength were assessed at prior and after 4 and 8 weeks of training, respectively. Within group comparison was tested using a repeated measures ANOVA whereas between-group comparison was analyzed using one-way ANOVA. A significant difference was set at P-value <0.05. The results indicated that an average of upper and core body muscles strength was increased when compare before training in both groups. The upper body muscle strength value (Grip strength test and 30-Second push up test) was significantly higher in the experimental group after the 4 and 8 weeks of training (p<0.05) while it was significantly higher in the control group at 8 weeks after training (P<0.05). The core body strength (Core strength and stability test) values were significantly higher in the experimental group and significant difference from the control group (P<0.05) after 4 and 8 weeks of training program. In conclusion, the elastic and bodyweight strength training program can increase core muscles strength when compare to a regular routine training. Therefore, coaches or archers can apply elastic resistance and body weight training program to improve core muscle strength. In addition, an intensity of upper body training is a variable to be considered for the archery training in order to increase the upper body muscle strength of archery athletes.

(Journal of Sports Science and Technology 2021; 21 (2):60-73)
(Received: 28 April 2021 , Revised: 24 August 2021, Accepted: 25 August 2021)
*Corresponding Author: Nonthalee SANTINIYOM
Faculty of Sports and Health Science, Thailand National Sports University Sukhothai Campus,Sukhothai, 64000, THAILAND.
E-mail: i.nonthalee@gmail.com


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