
  • Amornpan AJJIMAPORN
  • Chutimon KHEMTONG
  • Waree WIDJAJA


Exercise Position / Weight Loss / Bodyweight / Waist/Hip circumference Ratio


Objective: The present study was to investigate effects of 8-week modified high intensity circuit training using bodyweight (modified HICT BW) on body weight (BW), Waist/Hip circumference ratio (WHR), body circumferences and resting metabolic rate in sedentary obese women.
Methods: Twenty-four sedentary female (aged between 20 and 40 years) who have body mass index between 25-29.9 kg/m2 participated and were divided into untrained groups and trained groups. The trained group performed modified HICTBW program for 8 weeks. All parameters were measured before and after the 8-week study period in both groups
Results: There was a significant increase in resting metabolic rate after 8 weeks of modified HICT BW training (p<0.05), however, there were no significant differences in BW, WHR and body circumference in trained group when compared before and after an eight-week training.
Discussion: An eight-week modified HICT BW exerts the beneficial effects on an improvement of resting metabolic rate, but not body weight loss and changes in body circumference in sedentary obese people.
(Journal of Sports Science and Technology 2017; 17(2): 109-120)

Keywords: Exercise Position / Weight Loss / Bodyweight / Waist/Hip circumference Ratio

*Corresponding author:Amornpan AJJIMAPORN
College of Sports Science and Technology,
Mahidol University, Nakhon Pathom 73170
E-mail: amornpan.ajj@mahidol.edu


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