Surgical Outcomes of Single Posterior Approach for Spinal Tuberculosis with Neurological Deficits
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The spine is the most common site for skeletal involvement in tuberculosis (TB). Antitubercular drugs are the mainstay of treatment for spinal TB. Due to controversies surrounding the outcomes of surgical treatment, we conducted a retrospective study aimed at determining clinical and radiographic outcomes in patients with spinal TB and neurological deficits who underwent surgical treatment with a single posterior approach. Data were collected from patients treated for spinal TB at Pranangklao Hospital from 2016 to 2022. Ten patients underwent surgical treatment with a 12-month follow-up. The average age was 62.1 years. The most common location was the thoracic spine. Before surgery, one patient was classified as Frankel A, four patients as Frankel B, and five patients as Frankel C. The mean operative time was 167.2 minutes, and blood loss was 883.3 ml. The neurological outcome at 3 months postoperatively was significantly improved compared to the preoperative state (p = 0.03). At the last follow-up, six patients were classified as Frankel D, and four patients were classified as Frankel E. The posterior approach to the spine with decompression and fixation provides good neurological results for patients with spinal tuberculosis.
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