Model management to change the quality of emergency room of Pranangklao hospital

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Suwandee Bunchontevakul


This study is a qualitative research with the following objectives: To examine the situation and problems in managing the emergency room at Phramangklao hospital and proposing a management model for the emergency room at Phranangklao hospital. The study includes:  In-depth interviews with 34 relevant individuals to identify real problems and emergency room management, non-participatory observation in the emergency room and focus group with 30 management and emergency room team members. Findings indicate: Key problems in managing the emergency room at Phranangklao hospital include, overcrowding, location, personnel, income, public relations, risk and safety, equipment, treatment duration, services, systems and policies, skills, knowledge, and abilities, complaint management and other impacts respectively. Proposed management model to change the quality of emergency room of Pranangklao hospital corresponds to standard ER quality indicators including; Creating screening processes to reduce overcrowding and improve service convenience and fast, enhancing emergency room staff with appropriate staffing ratios, integrating telemedicine technology and emergency care system networks following the One Province One Hospital approach, and developing mobile emergency rooms to alleviate overcrowding.

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How to Cite
Bunchontevakul S. Model management to change the quality of emergency room of Pranangklao hospital. JMPH4 [internet]. 2025 Mar. 14 [cited 2025 Mar. 17];15(1):98-107. available from:
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