Vaccination service model for preventing COVID-19 in elderly by the participation of network partners in Num Yuen District, Ubon Ratchathani Province
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The spreading of Corona Virus 2019 caused many countries in the world to create and develop the vaccine. For Thailand. The Ministry of public Health had launched the policy that Thai population must be vaccinated at least 70% in each district. In addition, Nam Yuen district population had gotten vaccinated for only 44.54% which is not covering enough of the whole population. Therefore, this research has objective to develop the guideline for Corona Virus 2019 vaccine service in the elderly with the cooperation of party networks in Namyuen district, Ubonratchathani Province. This is the Action Research on 73 samples from party networks and 320 elderly. The researcher used the form of Descriptive statistics to analyze the collected data and used Paired t-Test to evaluate them. The P-value level was set to < 0.05. The result found that after joining the program, the average point of severely acknowledgement, risk awareness, the expectation of vaccine effectiveness, and the perception of self–protection of the samples is in “good” level. Overall, the P-value is < 0.05 which is statistically significantly increased. Moreover, for the average points about knowledge, attitude, the expectation of vaccine effectiveness and the satisfaction is in “good” level. And the P-value is < 0.05 which is significantly increased. It can be seen that the party partners and the elderly had more knowledge and understood more about COVID 19 vaccines. Therefore, the related organizations should provide continuously service and should expand to other risk targets in the area.
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