A study of the relationship of advance care planning with actual end of life care in patients receiving palliative care, Pathum Thani Hospital
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This study aimed to determine the needs and outcomes of advance care planning of patients receiving palliative care by using a retrospective cohort study method. The data of this study were collected from medical record of advance care planning of terminally ill patients and actual outcomes of patients receiving treatment at the palliative care clinic of Pathum Thani Hospital in a year 2022, totaling 226 people. The statistics were analyzed by mean with standard deviation, percentage and chi-square at P-value < 0.05. The study found that most of patients’ Palliative Performance Scales (PPS) were in the rage of 10 - 30 and 90.71% of patients were terminal cancer. 92.47% had advance care planning. Regarding advance care planning, it was found that 98.08% of the patients received actual care according to the needs recorded in the exclusion of intubation, 99.06% in exclusion of cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) and 87.21% for the place of death. Increasing in public awareness should have relevant organizations such as the National Health Commission or the Ministry of Public Health should publicize through various media to increase awareness of planning care in terminal ill patients joint advance care planning between patient family and caring team. It also reduces the provision of treatment that is non-beneficial treatment and inconsistent with the patient's needs.
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