Health literacy survey about dengue hemorrhagic fever of people at hyperendemic area, health region 9th
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This survey study aimed to Health Literacy Survey about Dengue Hemorrhagic Fever of people 18 years and over, determine the factors affecting the DHF literacy level at Hyperendemic area, Nakhon Ratchasima Province. The study subject were 394 person, collected data by questionnaires, respectively and 0.9 Cronbach’s alpha coefficient were employed to test reliability of the questionnaires. Results revealed that most of the samples were female at 81.73 %, couple 73.10, secondary education/professional sentence at 44.67 %, agriculture at 53.30%, have a comfortable income 49.24 %, received DHF information from health volunteer 69.54 % and search the internet 61.68 %. The majority of them were found to have an adequate 97.97%, Accessibility DHF information, Cognition, Utilization were adequate 92.89, 96.95, 98.48, 98.48 and 98.22% respectively. It was found the factors that predict DHF literacy by reading fluency, DHF information searching, health volunteer, sufficient income statistically significant (P-value< 0.05) The result of this study will be useful for the policy makers to plan DHF health literacy for health volunteer and preparation of news information published on the internet.
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