Nursing home care of Alcohol induced psychosis patients: a case study

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Nongkan Rangdang
Nudsara namdet


Caring of patients with alcohol induced psychosis is a challenging role for psychiatric nurses. The most alcohol-related psychosis patients returned to alcohol drinking and non-compliance for medicine after discharge from hospital. As a result, the effectiveness of treatments was reduced recurrence with mental illnesses. Moreover, the guidelines for alcohol dependence were few used in physical hospitals then patients with alcohol induced psychosis lacked of continuity in monitoring. This article focused on the nursing process for patients with alcohol induced psychosis and visited the patients in the community. The main goals were focused on active promotion, prevention, treatment, and rehabilitation. The most patients lost an appointment and non compliance after discharging and recurrence with alcohol induced psychosis. Therefore, the intervention such as health education, hallucination management, and motivation interviewing for stopping alcohol use were important for develop their self-awareness, inspiration, compliance therapy, and continuing care.

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How to Cite
Rangdang N, namdet N. Nursing home care of Alcohol induced psychosis patients: a case study. JMPH4 [Internet]. 2023 Apr. 4 [cited 2024 Dec. 22];13(1):84-93. Available from:
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