Sanitation assessment of the scout camps in Saraburi Province, fiscal year 2020

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Thanakarn Thaemcharoen
Pawarisa Yodmalai
Sinthara Khantee
Boonyawich Worasingh
Rinrawee Kamdee


This cross-sectional study aimed to explore the operating conditions of scout camps that were conducive to disease prevention and control in fiscal year 2020. A disease-free scout camp standard assessment was performed in all 7 scout camps in Muak Lek District, Saraburi Province. The results of the study found that 6 camps had very good conditions and the other one had a good condition. However, the assessment found 9 issues for improvement. First, first aid equipment was insufficient or expired. A system to monitor quantities and expiration dates of first aid equipment and medical supplies should be performed and they should be put in place for use. Second, there was a drainage of wastewater to the natural water resource. The wastewater from cooking and dishwashing should have a food waste trash rack and pass through grease and oil trap. Third, the waste container had leakage risk. It should be a strong container with a lid. Fourth, food handlers did not have annual health checks and they should undertake them. Fifth, kitchen and eating utensils were not properly stored. They should be kept according to food sanitation standards and in regularly cleaned containers. Sixth, snacks and desserts in the camps did not have expiration dates. Food quality and the expiration date should be checked before being sold in the camps. Seventh, fire extinguishers were deteriorated and kept far from risk areas. They should be kept close to the risk areas, and their tank pressure and chemical components should regularly be checked. Eighth, there were no soaps in the bathrooms for handwashing and soaps should be provided. Ninth, dogs and cats lived in the camp and stray dogs entered the camp. Cooking areas should be sectioned off from all dogs and cats, and the camp dogs and cats should be vaccinated against rabies every year. The findings of this assessment highlight important issues for improvement and/or correction to achieve the camp standards leading to disease prevention.

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How to Cite
Thaemcharoen T, Yodmalai P, Khantee S, Worasingh B, Kamdee R. Sanitation assessment of the scout camps in Saraburi Province, fiscal year 2020. JMPH4 [Internet]. 2021 Sep. 1 [cited 2024 Dec. 22];11(2):40-5. Available from:
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