The administration of the executive committee of local health security fund in Wiset Chai Chan District, Ang Thong province

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Wirot Iamrahong


This study was the descriptive research, with objective to study about the administration of the executive committee of the local health security fund and comparison study of the personal factor, factor of knowledge on local health security fund with the performance of the executive committee of local health security fund in Wiset Chai Chan District, Ang Thong province. The sample groups were 249 executive committee members of local health security fund in Wiset Chai Chan District, Ang Thong Province. Data were collected using a set of questionnaire on personal data, knowledge of local health security fund and data of administration of executive committee of local health security fund. The analysis relied on basic statistics, t-test and analysis of variance (ANOVA). The results of the study were as follows: 1. Most of executive committee members of local health security fund had knowledge about health care policy. They had a middle level of knowledge about the health security system. 2. Most of executive committee members of local health security fund operated by supporting the implementation of projects or services that promote health and disease prevention and participated in the collection of health problems in the area. The results were at high level. 3. The difference of gender, age, time of residency, marriage, bachelor degree, and income per month of the executive committee members on the performance of the executive committee of local health security fund were not significantly different at the .05 level. While, the difference of religion of the sample groups on the performance of the executive committee of local health security fund was significant different at the .05 level. 4. The performance of executive committee members of local health security fund categorized various knowledge on health security system levels was significantly different at the .001 level.

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How to Cite
Iamrahong W. The administration of the executive committee of local health security fund in Wiset Chai Chan District, Ang Thong province. JMPH4 [Internet]. 2019 Jan. 16 [cited 2024 Dec. 22];9(1):33-47. Available from:
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