The Develop a Collaboration Network Model for Improve the Quality of Life on the Elderly of the District Health Board (DHB) in Saraburi Province

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Jamrat Prasiw
Wisut Sukrin


The objective of this research to study the components of collaborative networks and the develop a collaboration network model for improve the quality of life on the elderly of the district health board (DHB) in Saraburi province with research and development is divided into 4 phases. Step 1. basic information, networking, collaboration for quality of life of elderly development of DHB with group interview and data analysis to apply make a questionnaire. Population and sample are 273 of DHB on 13 districts in Saraburi province. Step 2 Development of a collaborative network model for improving the quality of life for the elderly. Step 3: Experiment with the development of a collaborative network model for improving the quality of life of the elderly and step 4. evaluation of the suitability and feasibility of the model. Data were analyzed by descriptive statistics, percentage, mean and standard deviation, interpretation based on 5 levels of assessment, and qualitative data was analyzed by content analysis. Research Period on January 2018 to August 2018. The research found that: The model for creating a collaborative network for improving the quality of life of the elderly consists of 1) the network building process. There are 4 steps. 1.1) awareness and coordination of organizations / groups / networks 1.2) promote mutual trust and cooperation 1.3) develop relationships and utilize them. and 1.4) maintaining a relationship. 2) Components of DHB collaborative network, who has 5 sub-components. 2.1) Organizational Structure and Board, 2.2) Value creation in the work, 2.3) Resource sharing and personnel development, 2.4) Management of essential care services in the context of the area, and 2.5) network and community involvement. 3) Development of quality of life for the elderly consists of 5 aspects. Health, Education and learning, Economic and revenue, Social, and environmental. 4) The results of the evaluation using the development model of the cooperation network for the development of the quality of life of the elderly on DHB in Saraburi province found that at high level.

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How to Cite
Prasiw J, Sukrin W. The Develop a Collaboration Network Model for Improve the Quality of Life on the Elderly of the District Health Board (DHB) in Saraburi Province. JMPH4 [Internet]. 2019 Jan. 23 [cited 2024 Dec. 22];9(1):11-22. Available from:
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