Evaluation of NCD clinic plus of hospitals in health Region 4, fiscal year in 2017

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Kamolwan Kumwong
Wanida Senaprom
Kittipong Sukunnee


Non-communicable diseases are first problems of health region 4. The NCD clinic plus is NCDs surveillance program. This studying aimed to investigate the relevance of point’s NCD clinic plus program between the summary of quality improvement and service outcome in second round and summary of quality improvement in second round plus service outcome in third round. The methodology is descriptive study research. The random sampling was used to select 71 hospitals in Nonthaburi, Pathumthani, Phranakhonsi ayutthaya, Angthong, Lopburi, Singburi, Saraburi and Nakhon nayok. Since october, 2016 to september, 2017. This study instruments include quality improvement assessment form and service outcome assessment form. Statistic used descriptive analysis the result revealed that both of point’s NCD clinic plus program conformity due to summary of quality improvement in second round and service outcome in third round increase every level that standard level 15.49%, good level 1.41%, very good level 4.23% and excellent level 2.81%. However, the behaviors change for individual also is important in reducing incidence of disease. The suggestion was to consistence of information it will be necessary to analyze the results at the end of the fiscal year and coordinate with the community for quality improvement decision to NCD clinic

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How to Cite
Kumwong K, Senaprom W, Sukunnee K. Evaluation of NCD clinic plus of hospitals in health Region 4, fiscal year in 2017. JMPH4 [Internet]. 2019 Jan. 18 [cited 2024 Dec. 22];9(1):1-10. Available from: https://he01.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/JMPH4/article/view/248654
Original Articles


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