The completeness of registration of new and relapse cases of tuberculosis in Nakhon Nayok Hospital, fiscal year 2018

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Narongdech Pimpan
Suchanwat Somsorn
Daranee Pukwapee
Supaporn Watanatorn
Petcharawan Puengrassami


The purpose of this research is to study the completeness of registration of new and relapse tuberculosis patients in Nakhon Nayok Hospital, fiscal year 2018. The samples used in this study were new and relapse tuberculosis patients who registered for treatment in the TBCM online system 258 cases in fiscal year 2018, compared with ICD- medical records, Information on the use of Rifampicin and Isoniazid drugs from pharmaceuticals and laboratory data which AFB results were positive, Xpert MTB/RIF results were positive, Culture results were positive, and Pathological examination that results from October 2017 to September 2018 in Nakhon Nayok Hospital. Analyze the statistics used as descriptive statistics such as percentage. The study indicated that New and recurrent tuberculosis patients registered 258 cases in TBCM online system and not registered for 4 cases, representing 1.5 percent. Were 1 TB patient, accounted for 0.4 percent and changed diagnosis after receiving Rifampicin and Isoniazid 3 cases, representing 1.1 percent, which changed after diagnosis of Pleuritis, Pneumonia and lung cancer. From the results of the study to prevent disease control Should focus on checking the information of the service received by linking data between medical records, ICD-10 data, receiving medicines Rifampicin and Isoniazid from the pharmaceutical work And laboratory data such as AFB, Xpert MTB/RIF, Culture then registered in the system to complete.

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How to Cite
Pimpan N, Somsorn S, Pukwapee D, Watanatorn S, Puengrassami P. The completeness of registration of new and relapse cases of tuberculosis in Nakhon Nayok Hospital, fiscal year 2018. JMPH4 [Internet]. 2019 Aug. 14 [cited 2024 Dec. 22];9(2):59-64. Available from:
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