The Pathway among Drinker to Diamond Heart (Free Alcoholic Beverage) in Sukhothai Province

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Mr.pairat On-in


This descriptive research has two objectives: 1) to describe the habits of permanently quitting alcohol among diamond heart people (a person with a history of drinking can permanently quit drinking for at least 3 years) and 2) to explain the causes related to the motivation within the person and environment that cause them to quit drinking. Using a 5-level ecological framework to collect data in a mixed method (Equivalent Status Design), the sample was 64 cases in Sukhothai province. The tool is a structured interview form consisting of 3 parts: 1) personal data, 2) 5 levels of ecological factors related to permanent quitting, and 3) past drinking habits and ways to quit drinking. Data were collected from January - September 2022. Analyze quantitative data with statistical software. Analyze qualitative data by Content Analysis method. The research concluded that the drinking habits of diamond heart people in the past. Most drink almost every day. Diamond Heart people have a way to quit drinking permanently. In summary, the main method is to use raw deduction and gradually reduce the amount and frequency until they can finally be quiet. The most important contributing factor to quitting drinking is the personal factor, namely the perception of harm and Attitude towards quitting drinking. Expectations of one's abilities and expectations of outcomes from quitting drinking, and interpersonal factors, especially supportive families. Continuous exposure to drinking cessation awareness information. The secondary contributing factors are community-level factors such as recognition and participation or belonging to society. To be praised,  to be praised, to be saved. The policy-level factor is the recognition of alcohol-free facilities under the law.




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How to Cite
On-in M. The Pathway among Drinker to Diamond Heart (Free Alcoholic Beverage) in Sukhothai Province. JDPC3 [Internet]. 2023 Aug. 16 [cited 2024 Dec. 23];17(2):195-206. Available from:


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