Effectiveness of Emergency Operations Center Model cases Coronavirus Disease 2019 In Regional Health 3

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Kanjana Iamaksorn
Sinaporn Kongsib



This descriptive research study has two objectives. 1) to Effectiveness of Emergency Operations Center Model cases Coronavirus Disease 2019 In Regional Health 3 and 2) to comparison of the effectiveness of the Public Health Emergency Operations Center model case  Coronavirus Disease 2019 and ability to disease control within 28 days. Study period October 2021 – June 2022. The 57 samples who are person responsible for Emergency Operations Center and heads of mission groups or representatives under the order of the Provincial Emergency Operations Center. Tools used questionnaires and secondary data. The data were analyzed by descriptive statistics. The results of the methods showed that the effectiveness of the Public Health Emergency Action Center model was greatest in supporting preparedness teams equipment tools needed for field. And support, storage, delivery of medicines, non-pharmaceutical supplies, chemicals in pharmaceutical warehouses Provide advice on the use of PPE, equipment, necessary tools was correct for the operation team (100.0%). There was a high level of satisfaction with Emergency Operations Center cases Coronavirus Disease 2019 (89.7%). The 512 cluster occure since April - December 2021. Able to disease control within 28 days quantity 498 clusters (97.3%) and unable to disease control within 28 days quantity 14 clusters (2.7%)

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How to Cite
Iamaksorn K, Kongsib S. Effectiveness of Emergency Operations Center Model cases Coronavirus Disease 2019 In Regional Health 3. JDPC3 [Internet]. 2023 Apr. 16 [cited 2024 Dec. 23];17(1):1-13. Available from: https://he01.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/JDPC3/article/view/256383


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