Guidelines to Promote Physical Activity with ChoPA & ChiPA Game Reduce Learning, and Increase Knowledge for Thai Children Tall, Slim, and Healthy Prankratai District, Kamphaeng Phet Province

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Podjanee Vadcharaganon


This quasi–experimental research, to study factors related to and predict food consumption behavior, exercise and the results of the “ChoPA & ChiPA Game” activity among students in grades 5–6, Phrankratai District Kamphaeng Phet Province. A questionnaire, an interview form and a student record form were used for 347 students during February 2020–January 2022. The results that: most of the samples were female, average age 11.95 years, average weight male 44.29 kg, female 43.37 kg, average height male 148.41 cm, female 150.38 cm, average BMI male 19.82 kgs/m2, female 19.03 kgs/m2. Factors that were related and able to predict dietary and exercise behavior were age (β = 0.280), parental social support (β = 0.190), teacher and peer social support (β = –0.144) and height (β = 0.116), which was predictive of 18.1% (R2 = 0.181). After using the “ChoPA & ChiPA Game” activity for 6 months, it was found that the average knowledge, perception of risk, perceived benefit, social support form teachers and peers/parents increased dietary and exercise habits. In males found average weight and height, females found average weight, height and body mass index before and after using the activity were statistically different (p<0.05). As for the follow–up of grade 5 students for another year, it was found that both males and females had statistically significantly different mean weight and height (p<0.05 and 0.001), but the mean values were different. The body mass index before and after the three activities was not different in males. Females after 18 months of activity were not different from before and 12 months after the activity. So, it can be concluded that the activity “ChoPA & ChiPA Game” increased the effectiveness of the nutrition of elementary school children, can be adapted to children who begin to have problems with being overweight or disproportionately high. The recommendation is that the District Health Board (DHB) should set high intensity physical activity as the ODOP of the District (One District One Project/Program) and support budget for physical activities that are high in intensity. High concentration in all schools by the Local Health Security Fund.

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How to Cite
Vadcharaganon P. Guidelines to Promote Physical Activity with ChoPA & ChiPA Game Reduce Learning, and Increase Knowledge for Thai Children Tall, Slim, and Healthy Prankratai District, Kamphaeng Phet Province. JDPC3 [Internet]. 2022 Nov. 29 [cited 2024 Jul. 18];16(3):50-64. Available from:


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