Tuberculosis Mortality in Thailand

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สวรรยา สิริภคมงคล


The objectives of this study were: to differentiate Tuberculosis Disease among different subpopulations by sex age region and province, and longevity of Thai people with Tuberculosis. The data employed were collected and published annually Public Health Statistics between 2015 to 2019 by the Department of Health, and the Bureau of Epidemiology, Department of Disease Control, Ministry of Public Health. The Tuberculosis mortality rate, life expectancy, and life expectancy among dead people from TB were presented by tables, graphs, Life Table, and Multiple Decrement Life Table. The results of the Tuberculosis mortality difference classified with characteristics of both sex and age revealed that the mortality rate with Tuberculosis by sex male and age 60 years and over had a higher rate than female and other age groups, respectively. Most people who died from this disease lived in the northeast region of Thailand especially Buriram, Surin, and Yasothon Provinces. For life expectancy, most of the longevity from people with TB decreased by about 25 years to 55 years, due to the impact of TB. Therefore, policymakers should be intensive action the End TB Strategy, specifically elderly men, active case finding and control among working age in the northeast region of Thailand

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สิริภคมงคล ส. Tuberculosis Mortality in Thailand. JDPC3 [Internet]. 2021 Dec. 14 [cited 2024 Dec. 23];15(3):1-13. Available from:
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