The satisfaction of patient with chronic disease (Diabetes, Hypertension) to the primary care, healthcare network in Khlong Khlung district Kamphaeng Phet province

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โพธิ์ศรี แก้วศรีงาม


        This study is research and development, the objective is to study the level of opinions, factors affecting the satisfaction level of patients with diabetes–hypertension, and guidelines for the development of a network care system for the primary care unit in Khlong Khlung district, Kamphaeng Phet province. Questionnaires and focus groups with the public health personnel, patients with chronic disease at Klong Khlung Hospital refered to the nearest service and a support team from Khlong Khlung Hospital. The results that: most of the public health personnel were female (77.8%) with an average age 36.96 years. The perceptions and attitudes about family’s doctor policy were at a moderate level.Opinions on factors affecting the operation of the primary care system were high. Most of the chronic disease patients were female (63.1%) with an average age of 62.27 years. The satisfaction level with the primary care system was at a moderate level. Factors that were statistically related to the satisfaction level with chronic disease, Patient were gender, age, education, occupation, income and frequency of service. Health personnel were age, number of population, attitudes and factors affecting operations. The predictive factors of satisfaction of patients with chronic disease were gender of the patient (β = 0.299), frequency of using (β = 0.261), with a prediction of 15.2% (R2 = 0.152). Guidelines for the development of an appropriate primary care system is "Applying principles of family medicine in the primary care unit for caring patients and families". Affter 3 months: it was found that the mean of overall and individual assessment scores are high. The mean of overall satisfaction and classification by personal factors of patients with chronic disease in the primary care unit was significantly higher than before using family medicine principles (p-value<0.05).   This study suggested that the primary care network performance should be assessed according to UCCARE criteria and to study the cost-effectiveness of the service system (CUP & NPCU).

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แก้วศรีงาม โ. The satisfaction of patient with chronic disease (Diabetes, Hypertension) to the primary care, healthcare network in Khlong Khlung district Kamphaeng Phet province. JDPC3 [Internet]. 2021 Aug. 6 [cited 2024 Jul. 18];15(2):60-71. Available from:


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