Prototyping Community to decrease Saltiness for reducing chronic diseases in Health Area 3, 2019

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ภัค ศัลยานุบาล


The cross-sectional explanatory research had an objective to create a community model of salinity reduction, disease reduction, health area 3, which has been developed from the Community Guidelines for Reducing Disease Risk Reduction (CBI NCDs), Bureau of Non-communicable Diseases Department of Disease Control by the operation is carried out in 2 model areas, which are communities with an increasing number of new hypertensive cases, and communities that are interested in developing a model for reducing salinity and reducing disease, namely Moo 9, Wang Taku Subdistrict, and Moo 10 Subdistrict. Lam Prada, Bang Mun Nak District, Phichit Province. Staff from Bang Mun Nak Hospital Staff from Wang Taku Health Promoting Hospital Staff from Tambon Lam Prada Health Promoting Hospital Bang Mun Nak District, Phichit Province Network of local leaders from the Tambon Administrative Organization, community leaders, and representatives of the people in the communities in both sub-districts in the implementation of the Saline Reduce Disease Model Community, Health Zone 3 consists of the following steps: 1) Coordinate the target areas from the analysis of the situation. Increase in the number of new patients with hypertension. 2) Analyze problems and factors related to health in the community. 3) Co-develop community programs and measures to solve problems that are suitable for their own context such as reducing the use of seasoning for cooking in households, schools, and food stalls in villages, and control to have not sold the crisps in schools. 4) Implementing community plans/measures which consisted of the following activities: 4.1) Explore the consumption behavior of reduced salty food among the sample population in 2 villages, 50 each before starting the operation. 4.2) Organized a campaign to educate the consumption of reduced salty food at the news distribution tower / monthly meeting of the village. / To educate students in school 4.3) To educate and demonstrate how to reduce salty food. To the housewives/household food operators / in schools/food shop operators in the village 4.4) Support all households and merchants in the community to implement community measures is to reduce the addition of seasonings in cooking and control to have not sold the crisps in schools. 4.4) Survey the consumption behavior of salty food among the sample population after organizing the activity. 5) Evaluation and exchange. Change learning from each other by organizing a food extravaganza in the community. The implementation of community-based risk prevention and reduction through participation processes of people in the community is environmental factors and risk behaviors in the community. In addition, the ability of individuals to make decisions, discriminate, reduce their salt consumption and their family. It is the main factor for effective and sustainable dietary behavior in reducing salty. With departments of the Ministry of Public Health at all levels in the area and related network partners to support

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How to Cite
ศัลยานุบาล ภ. Prototyping Community to decrease Saltiness for reducing chronic diseases in Health Area 3, 2019: . JDPC3 [Internet]. 2022 Apr. 8 [cited 2024 Jul. 18];16(1):61-77. Available from:
Researce Article


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