The Effect of the Promotion Behavior Program for Accidental Prevention from Working among Garbage Collectors, Preakasamai Town Municipality, Samut Prakan Province

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สินีนุช กุลศิริ


The aim of quasi-experimental research was to study the result of the work-related accidental prevention behaviors program in garbage collectors, Preakasamai town municipality, Samut Prakan province using Roger's disease-preventing motivation theory application and the concept of social support theory to promote accident prevention behaviors. The 46 populations were garbage collectors and light mechanical drivers. The research instruments included 1) creating the perception of violence and the probability of the risk of work-related accidents and 2) encouraging motivation and social support for work behaviors. The data were collected by questionnaire before the experiment in the first week and after implementation in the fifth week, analyzed by descriptive statistics and Paired Samples t-test. The results of this study showed that the average score of prevention behavior of samples after the experimental was higher than before significantly different at the statistical level. Therefore. It should be used as a guideline in organizing a health promotion program for accident promotion for working to encourage motivation to change behaviors and reduce work accidents as well.

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How to Cite
กุลศิริ ส. The Effect of the Promotion Behavior Program for Accidental Prevention from Working among Garbage Collectors, Preakasamai Town Municipality, Samut Prakan Province. JDPC3 [Internet]. 2022 Jul. 25 [cited 2024 Jun. 30];16(2):64-7. Available from:
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