Factors that affect create concerns, affect the attitude, Stigma and discrimination to health care provider who lived with HIV patients in Nakorn Sawan health Care Service Center.

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วรรณี จิ๋วปัญญา


The objectives of the study are  to find the factors that may affect the anxiety and the attitude on stigma and discrimination by the health - care service providers, those who stay with HIV patients at Nakorn Sawan health care offices and  The research conveys through Cross-sectional survey, with questionnaires. The sample groups are those who operate at the health care service, offices, through simple random sampling,   from the hospital list  in  Nakorn Sawan Province,    data collection between 1-30 September 2019, data analysis by descriptive statistics and factor analysis by chi-square test. The study result is that most samples are female, with medical career and public health related, have never been trained for stigma reduction. Factors on anxiety are the touching, blood test, fear of disease spread, embarrassment, irresponsibility, inappropriate behavior and the desire to have babies. It was found that the career factor was related to the attitude at all points. Factors on training on stigma relate to the factors on disease spread, embarrassment, irresponsibility and inappropriate behavior. Gender factor relates to the attitude concerning irresponsibility and inappropriate behavior. So, the executive should arrange for all new operators the training on the stigma reduction, and develop additional courses on anxiety and attitude towards those who stay with the disease and the HIV patients through on-line system, including annual follow - ups and assessment.

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How to Cite
จิ๋วปัญญา ว. Factors that affect create concerns, affect the attitude, Stigma and discrimination to health care provider who lived with HIV patients in Nakorn Sawan health Care Service Center. JDPC3 [Internet]. 2021 Apr. 27 [cited 2024 Jul. 18];15(1):30-4. Available from: https://he01.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/JDPC3/article/view/245747
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